Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bailout bad, Bad, BAD idea


It makes one ask where we went wrong. I'm not sure when we'll get back on track but the past 16 years or so have been very destructive to this country, IMO. I think it will continue regardless of who is president, as they are both horrible choices.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Glenn Beck

I've taken to listening to Glenn Beck in the morning on www.cities929.com. I listened to him and read his book and only lately figured out that he was a mormon. I later found this.


as well as his thoughts on Pres. Hinkley's death at


I enjoy listening to him. Not because he is LDS...as long as it doesn't get in his way. Laura Ingraham was enjoyable until she greeted every catholic in evermore irritating ways. As long as Glenn doesn't get in his own way, I'll probably listen to him often.

Massacre at Mountain Meadows

Genre: History
Author:Ronald W. Walker, Richard E. Turley

This book was terrific. It was written by church historians that have access to texts that most other historians did not. It was a fairly even-handed approach, one that understood the religion, times and context.

It did absolve Brigham Young of any direct involvement. This was due mainly to the distances involved. BY simply was too far away to direct anyone. What was established was that BY did ask for the church members to let the emigrants go.

It didn't absolve the members of the church in relation to drumming up people to get ready for a war with the US. That certainly came into play. The poverty of the people in Southern Utah and the relative wealth of the train also was pronounced.

It really made me angry how members of the church treated each other. A brother gave a member of the train, whom he knew, some fruit and was beaten senseless by other members because of it.

The train was already on their way out of the state when they conspired to kill them all, except for the children. I couldn't read in one sitting the account of the killing. It was abhorant what they did. I never can understand what goes on in a person's head when murder becomes a viable solution.

Very good book. Highly recommended.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Genre: Comedy
Waited for this to come to video. It was a waste of time. Not funny and not interesting.