I listen to Glenn Beck and he recently is against "Net Neutrality". I have yet to understand why conservatives are against this. The only thing I can think of is that they don't want government intrusion, which I understand, but that isn't the thrust of the situation. This has to deal with corporations stopping other competing corporations. For example, I get Netflix and I stream movies to my computer. My cable company (internet provider) is also contemplating entering into the same market. What the Net Neutrality legislation is to correct is stopping my cable company "slowing down" Netflix or "Speeding Up" their service. If Netflix becomes so slow, I would switch to the cable company's offering. This is to stop anti-competative behavior. Most cable companies are monopolies and are already regulated. Net Neutrality is to force Internet Providers to not filter datastreams and showing favoritism for any reason, other than legal ones.
Am I missing something here? I don't want my cable company effectively limiting my choice of where I go on the internet. I don't want a faster stream to CNN than Fox News.