Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The foolishness of wind dependency


...legislators are promoting "green" energy and jobs, via new mandates, standards, tax breaks and subsidies. However, the U.S. would need 180,000 1.5-megawatt wind turbines by 2020, just to generate the 600 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity needed to comply with the Waxman-Markey global warming bill, retired energy and nuclear engineering professor James Rust calculates.

Erecting these forests of concrete and steel would require millions of acres of scenic, habitat and agricultural lands, and 126 million tons of concrete, steel, fiberglass and "rare earth" minerals for the turbines (700 tons per turbine); prodigious quantities of concrete, steel, copper and land for new transmission lines; and still more land, fuel and raw materials for backup gas-fired generators.

I don't think our legislators have a feakin' clue.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Some more in the health care debate.

A great article is here.


Obama’s plan to reform health care is dangerous.  It is not the right prescription for the United States.

Here are some concerns to consider:

1. Government should not take over 17% of GNP.  To quote Michael Steele, it is “reckless.”

2. Joe Biden admitted that the Obama administration “misread” the economy.  That mistake cost us $787 billion.  What if the Obama administration is wrong about their health care plan?  It could cost us trillions of dollars.

3. As I have stated before, if the government-run plan is so great, then why are no Congressional Democrats supporting the amendment to require that lawmakers use the same system?

4. Did you know that if a government health care bureaucrat denies a medical procedure, you cannot pay for it with your own money?  You will not be allowed to privately hire doctors.  And they say there is no rationing happen in this bill.

5. Check out this chart on how it will work.  88 government agencies will oversee health care.

6.  How does the agency of “Cultural & Linguistic Competence Training” improve health care or lower the costs?

7. Here in Massachusetts we already know that when the government interfere that costs increase.  Over the past 2 years, small business have been hit hard with a 50% increase in health insurance premiums.  The cause of this drastic increase is the government mandates.

8. The Obama Administration claims that their plan is not going to add to the national debt.  No one can believe that hogwash!  According to the President, this plan will save money because people will no longer visit emergency rooms for non-emergencies.  Yeah right.  That’s what they thought here in Massachusetts.  Emergency rooms visits have not decreased.

9. Health care costs will continue to rise under this bill.  For example, it does not address the issue of medical liability.  With costs skyrocketing, the middle class will be forced to join the government-run insurance option and hence we will have socialized medicine.

Overall we have the best health care system in the world.  Let’s fix it not ruin it!

(Please see previous posts on ideas for health care reforms.)


On page 16 of the house bill states:

(A) I

N GENERAL.—Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day of Y1.


So, you can't buy individual insurance after this. Great. Damn politicians.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Why democrats do what they do.


Great article.

There is nothing more secure to Democrats than a big bureaucracy–it makes them feel safe. Perhaps that’s why so many of them linger on in colleges longer than the average American. Inefficient bureaucracies and musty old buildings with union swept halls are warm fuzzy places for them.  These people are the kind that like being looked after–it is the natural state of the Left.

They want to live under a huge bureaucracy that will direct their life, from the time they are born into a government hospital through their time in government schools, then punch the clock at a government job until a government appointed doctor gives them an assisted suicide. A Democrat Utopia would be like a human zoo where the lions are kept separate from the zebras, every one is fed, and the doctor comes round once a year. Just keep re-electing Democrats who will insure the air is clean, your food is safe, your retirement is secure, and the tithe is paid.

That’s a big one. When you decide to become a Democrat, the need for you to ever contribute to charity is completely eliminated. Every election cycle Democrat candidates are exposed for being skinflints when the 1040s are released. There is always a ridiculously small number on the lines of where charitable deductions are listed. The contribution is always so small you would think it was an accident, like they thought their $100 donation to the Breast Foundation was a subscription to a porn site.

In actuality, I think they believe that membership in the Democrat Party is their donation to charity. The Party is their Church and the leaders are their clerics. Why should Al Gore give more than a couple hundred bucks to charitable causes when he has made his life work saving the earth from prosperity? (That could explain why so many of Obama’s appointees didn’t feel the need to pay taxes–churches are tax-exempt.)

Perhaps we'll all understand the phrase "Give me liberty, or give me death."