Wednesday, September 26, 2018

No. Wait....

Hmmm.... The one thing that would cause the LDS Church to acknowledge things don't add up?

Probably if modern Egyptology showed the BOA scrolls had nothing to do with Abraham or anything biblical

No. Wait...

Probably if modern scientists did an metallurgical analysis on the Kinderhook Plates and found they were 19th Century Frauds.

No. Wait...

Probably if the Prophet Seers and Revelators bought the Salamander Letter and Oaks defended it and FAIR wrote an apologetic piece supporting it and then it turned out it was written by a con artist murderer...

No. Wait...

Probably if Meso American Archaeology has proven that horses, steel, barley, grapes, and sheep did not exist in pre-Colombian America contradicting the BOM

No. Wait...

Probably if DNA has proved that there are 0 descendants with Hebrew or Jewish among any Native American tribes on the American Continents thereby destroying the whole BOM narrative...

No. Wait...

Probably if the central tenet of Mormonism that "As Man is God once was and as God is Man may become" is interwoven in LDS doctrine, in all the manuals, taught by all the prophets including Hinckley and then Hinckley publicly denied it on national television and said "I don't know that we teach that..."

No. Wait...

Probably if the church quietly updated the Bishop's manual to say children of Gays cannot participate in saving ordinances until they are 18 and denounce their parents, and then that update got leaked, and then the church kind of retracted it, and then Elder Christofferson got on national TV and said it was just a policy that might need some adjustments and was a work in progress and then 2 months later Russell M. Nelson said the policy was a direct revelation from God to Tommy Monson basically contradicting his fellow Seer and Revelator Christofferson.

No. Wait...

Probably if some concerned members publish a book named CES Letter and a website called MormonThink which creates an easy place to find the true history of the church that has been whitewashed and covered up which creates waves and everybody calls these sources anti-Mormon lies, but then it snowballs and so the church has to publish their own essays and a book called the Saints which essentially admits all the stuff they called anti Mormon "Lies" that they were exing people over was really true and not lies after all.

No. Wait...

Probably if modern book cataloging software ran Joseph's Smith's translation of the Bible against an old 18th century Bible study guide written by a guy named Adam Clarke and it shows that JS just ripped Adam Clarke's study guide off word for word and called it his translation and all the members have thought for 150 years that JS received direct revelation from God to correct the errors of the Bible, but he just plagiarized some other guy's ideas and even BYU came out and admitted it was true.

No. Wait...

If it was discovered that the church led by Christ himself was silencing rape victims and kicking them out of BYU, protecting pedophile clergy, and paying out millions of dollars of sex abuse settlements and covering up rape and sex abuse in the church while protecting predators and shaming victims.

No. Wait...

Gee. I don't know. I guess I can't think of any one thing that would cause such.

H/T Reddit

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Create Private API in API Gateway

I have had quite a bit of trouble creating a private API in API Gateway. I couldn't see what was going on. Also, I have a bit of frustration with the documentation around this and the staging ability of the api.

Here is where I found my answer (Go to the 6:40 mark). I already had a VPC only Lambda. I already created an api to talk to it, but it wasn't private. So I changed it to a private gateway. By necessity, you need to create an endpoint in your vpc with an appropriate security policy for the subnet. You need to create a resource policy. Nothing will happen until you do so. Here is mine.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:123412341234:123123123/*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:sourceVpce": "vpce-0d1269e48cb412a21"

It is kind of confusing how it is done in the sample they provide, but you can create a list of IPs or whatnot in the condition statement. This is to allow anything coming in from that endpoint to access the API.
The next element, and this is crucial, is to redeploy the api. Evidently, the policy doesn't get implemented without the new deployment. It can be to the same stage, so that URL doesn't need to change, but you NEED TO REDEPLOY.