Friday, August 17, 2007

Entry for August 18, 2007

I found this site through a roundabout way.

What always makes me chuckle is how these completely disfunctional people somehow blame the church for their troubles, and never look beyond the fact that they are the ones messing up their lives.

I mean, I loved BYU. I had a great time. Lots of dating, met my wife, lots of education, beautiful scenery. No, I don't have any desire to live there again, but it was great while I was there. Perhaps I had a great time because I don't have a desire to drink, party, etc. If that is what you want to achieve, then that just isn't the place for you.

Last time I was there I sat in one of the buildings and looked up and saw the spot where I first said "I love you" to my then future wife. I remembered all the dates that I took to this building. I remembered all the wonderful things I learned there, how to think critically. Yes, you can do that at BYU. I even became more wary of government, contrary to popular belief.

I guess C. S. Lewis was right. Some will look back on their lives and see all the wonder, and some will look back and curse the day they were born.

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